Frost* Christmas 2011 AGM - The Peel, Kingston. 16th Dec

Started by JakeWorrell, August 12, 2011, 09:58:43 AM

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The difference between this year and last year is that there was a telly in the other bar last year that you could watch.  This meant that everyone had to be in the main bar making it such a nightmare.  But bizarrely it was much more squashed at the back.  When I got through (thanks  :D ) there was a lot of space at the front.   :!:  :!:  :?: Well not space exactly but not as hellishly sardine like as it was at the back.  

I really feel for everyone at the back.

Trapezium Artist

Well, well, well: so many things to say ... since it was the AGM, let me give my personal minutes in no particular order.

1. Gig: A complete blinder. Some bum notes and under-rehearsed tomfoolery perhaps, but I couldn't give even the slightest of a damn. It was Frost*, it was Christmas, it was one of the best gigs in many years, probably since the 2008 Christmas Peel gig  ;)  

As a foursome, this lot are all technically superb and I have to admit that from my vantage point on the left near the front (more below), I spent most of my time with a big grin on my face watching the newer boys, Nathan and Craig, giving it serious rhythmic welly.

2. Sound: Combined, this band is heavy; it seemed much more full on than any of the previous Frost* gigs I've been to. Absolutely nothing wrong with that; I know the songs backwards and forwards and so the fabulous melodies were always there, but it was rhythmically hugely strong as well (see above), making it very danceable (and I'm no dancer, as anyone who knows me can testify).

On the down side, it was getting far too loud and "crashy" towards the end of the main set; I loved that they played TDL, but major sections of it were lost to the over-cranked sound. It wasn't necessary; the encores seemed almost as loud, but the crashing had been dialled out and the sound seemed much clearer. I spotted a number of people around me noticing the same thing, so doubt that it was just me. Anyway, the ringing in my left ear has gone by now (!) and I'll remember to bring my earplugs next time  ;)  

3. Band: Great to have a chance to chat with everyone, if only briefly. Craig: will send you the picture I promised. Nathan: excellent form, sir. JM: Long may RMS Titanic II avoid those icebergs. Jem: Any time you're over this way, I'll get you into our big anechoic chamber and we can have a natter about Science!

4. Frost*ies: Ladies, gentlemen, you are wonderful. I'd met a few of you at previous gigs, but the custom T-shirt idea was genius (thank you, VitP: very good to make your acquaintance too, sir!) and I felt like I'd really joined the family in person, as opposed to in electrons, by the end of the evening. No time to talk with everyone in detail and I regret that my time with Pedro was only fleeting, but I know that there will be other occasions  ;)

As for our dear Norwegian friend, E.S., I'm so sorry that we lost you en-route to the curry. You looked ever so slightly shell-shocked to actually be at a Frost* gig and meeting your fellow Frost*ies, but understandably, given the chance to lig with the band afterwards, you took it with relish. BBS and I did hang around hoping you'd catch up with us and LFE did call you a couple of times once we were at the curry house, but it wasn't to be. Next time again ...

5. Peel: On the upside, it's as friendly a place as you can imagine. When I went to pick up my tickets (with Catherine and Alex1812 in tow, to whom I'd sold two), Gorgeous George had no record of my name on his list :shock:  and asked us to stand to one side and wait a minute. After less than that minute, he declared with a smile that we were blocking the door and stamped us in anyway. When I said "err, do you want me to pay you?", he said "what; you haven't paid? that's the other list!". He promptly found me and I paid. OK, I could have got us in for free, but that would have seemed so, so wrong (hopefully Catherine and Alex1812 don't mind  ;) )

Equally on the upside, I had a lovely chat with Twang: thank you, sir, for everything you've done and do do for us Frost*ies. Hugely appreciated.

On the downside, yes, it was horribly stuffed and hot. I started off in the cubby hole at the back with Catherine, watching the Twats in Hats from behind a gentleman that I suspect based on later evidence may have been Craig's dad [edit: Nellie tells me further down the thread that it can't have been Craig's dad as he no longer with us, unfortunately; but seemed to have been someone that had come to see him play rather than Frost* as such]. Absolutely no fault of his, but I was getting very frustrated and upset with the lack of visibility as well as the lack of oxygen, and thought my night was going to be heavily compromised.

But once the break came, I used my camera (more below) as a route onto the main floor and within a couple of people from the front. As noted by Ash, there was actually a little more space there and I was completely sorted. Thanks to everyone who let me push down there and steal some of their space. Nevertheless, I think we may have to hope for a more voluminous venue next year; I can thoroughly recommend De Boerderij, just around the corner from me  ;)

6. Curry: Also an excellent idea, so thanks to LFE/James for that. Sorry for boring/baffling people with a little too much physics, but I did enjoy everyone's company and the food wasn't bad either.

Watching LFE and Philadelphia totting up the final bill and acting as banker was indeed quite a drama, but we persevered and got there in the end. I still harbour a sneaking suspicion that the restaurant may have double-accounted for the £100 deposit, but I'm equally sure that Philadelphia was adding the bill up right, so I remain confused.

As one of the "here's another tenner, let's get out of here" backers though, I will take that pint next time, James  ;)

7. Photos/YouTubery: Thanks a lot to RiK for uploading his pictures: excellent stuff. I managed to get one or two decent ones from my slightly more distant vantage point (including one that I need to send on to Craig; see above), but overall the lighting was just too low for my 18-200mm Nikon superzoom in a bopping crowd, even at ISO3200. I've been trying to buy an 85mm f/1.8 for portraits for the past couple of months, but the Thailand floods have made them very hard to come by. Would have been perfect for this gig from where I was standing.

Then again, every time I raised my camera, I felt my engagement in the actual music ebb away; that's the reason I gave up being a somewhat more serious concert photographer in the early 1980s, in fact. So again, thanks to RiK for (a) having a big lens (which I spotted from a distance  ;) ) and (b) taking the time to get some great shots to fuel my memories.

On the YouTubery, I shall wallow in that later. I have a section of BLM from my camera, but suspect that you lot will have done much better ...

AOB: Just a huge thanks to everyone in and around the Frost*ie family, but especially to Jem for believing in himself and Frost* enough to get back on the horse. Whatever comes next, we are and will remain eternally grateful: you have created something truly special.

Date of next meeting: TBC, but no later than December 2012. Earlier if new album results in a tour (yes, please).




I'd like to propose the motion that we consider TA's post to be the official published minutes of the AGM.



Right, I think I've recovered enough (AKA actually got some sleep!) to finally show my mug back in here. I had an absolute blast! The band were so relaxed and were clearly enjoying themselves. It may not have been as tight as the last set of gigs, but the feeling was much, much better! So many smiles, so many people bouncing around... Excellent, truly excellent.

I would go and see this band and their music live anyway, but you lot really do enhance the experience. Meeting up with everyone for a good natter before and after the gig was like having a warm family reunion. It was so good to meet everyone I hadn't met before to put faces to names. So many wondreful people really are the icing (should that be Frost*ing?) on this most brilliant, joyous and downright tasty piece of cake.

Big hugs all 'round!  :D


Quote from: "johninblack"I'd like to propose the motion that we consider TA's post to be the official published minutes of the AGM.

Seconded.....all in favour....
I used to have a signature



I cried with laughter during No Me No You.

Extra special thanks to Fogeyspasm for carting us there and back *salutes*, LFE and Philadelphia for once again giving me somewhere to crash for the night, to everyone for the fab natterings, and to Twang for EVERYTHING, especially for helping me fix some absent Frost*ies' faces to the wall while the band were soundchecking. Roger, Gonzo, Landslug and Brom, you were there with us in paper/ink form. Next time, be there for real, OK?  ;)

Cheers, everyone!


Quote from: "Mikey"
Quote from: "johninblack"I'd like to propose the motion that we consider TA's post to be the official published minutes of the AGM.

Seconded.....all in favour....

Aye! ...Aye... Get so lonely when she's not there...


Quote from: "Ash"then had a nightmare on the sth circular.

It wasn't any better on the North Circular either. We walked through the doors at spot on 8.
Sorry we didn't manage any pre gig drinkage.
I used to have a signature


Just to be a little geeky for a moment... I noticed this at the gig, it's the curse of so called perfect pitch.. did anyone notice they have tuned down a half step? Why is that?


I think it's so they can sing more comfortably and don't have to trap their nads in order to reach Dec's pitches on the songs that feature the good man.


Quote from: "Trapezium Artist"6. Curry: Also an excellent idea, so thanks to LFE/James for that. Sorry for boring/baffling people with a little too much physics, but I did enjoy everyone's company and the food wasn't bad either.
Boring? It was highly interesting and educational......Will watch out for you on Stargazing with the imposter Cox  :)
QuoteWatching LFE and Philadelphia totting up the final bill and acting as banker was indeed quite a drama, but we persevered and got there in the end. I still harbour a sneaking suspicion that the restaurant may have double-accounted for the £100 deposit, but I'm equally sure that Philadelphia was adding the bill up right, so I remain confused.

As one of the "here's another tenner, let's get out of here" backers though, I will take that pint next time, James  ;)
So will I  :D
I used to have a signature


Mikey! I do apologize for not keeping my promise. :cry:  It was a lot of talking to people, and then some band interrupted us. ;)  Got a bit busy. Drinks on me next time, because I'll fly over again.


Quote from: "Trapezium Artist"4. Frost*ies: As for our dear Norwegian friend, E.S., I'm so sorry that we lost you en-route to the curry. You looked ever so slightly shell-shocked to actually be at a Frost* gig and meeting your fellow Frost*ies, but understandably, given the chance to lig with the band afterwards, you took it with relish. BBS and I did hang around hoping you'd catch up with us and LFE did call you a couple of times once we were at the curry house, but it wasn't to be. Next time again ...
Great meeting you ES, although I think I'd gone a bit deaf by this point. Sorry you didn't make it to the curry house, you were sorely missed.
RH, thanks for the lift, not sure how its my fault your Sat Nav is useless  ;)
To all the other Frosties* who contributed to a great night and especially the band, thanks for your time afterwards as well
A huge thank you

                                                                         Purple falling into Mercury :shock:
I used to have a signature