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Why I'm going

Started by TBE, November 25, 2008, 04:58:20 PM

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Little can I say that have not been said by other Frosties*, Andy, so I wish you the best with your new quest, and also tell you how intelligent and insightful your views with music are. I hope you keep posting here every now and then and tell us about your teachings.  ;)


That's just great Andy! Nice to see you're spreading your great knowledge of drumming. Can't wait to hear what you do next with/without Frost*.  :)
I wont be the good for nothing.

Dave M

Interesting points raise above ChrisX .. i type with an amount of ignorance, but these are my thoughts.

I have no idea about the future (my crystal ball broke recently) but at present its interesting to see how many established acts have been hitting the road to earn money through ticket sales and concert merchandise .. the joy of a live band cant be downloaded, its an experience that can be sold ..

As the more established acts have lost a considerable amount of their income from downloads and file sharing they've been forced to leave their luxury lifestyles behind and hit the road .. 10 years ago fewer bands were touring because they were making more than enough money from cd's etc

If you want to make money as a band now, Live is probably the only way .. provided you're popular enough to warrant putting on a large scale tour that is.. with the added bonus of endorsments, tour sponsorships and simultaneous cinema broadcasts.

As a new band / Artist .. the only way you could conceivably make a living out of this business , is with the financial backing of a management company and / or big record co, but we know what kind of handcuffs would be involved then, and most probably aimed at the charts/tv audience.

Viral style marketing through youtube / myspace etc can give a band profile, but no income .. so you're down to the truely committed chasing their dreams / art with little or no hope of making a living .. some of them will break through, most will not ... getting a good support slot would be a massive break, but there's only a few of them about.

So we're left with the cottage industry model .. home recorded, self released, small scale self promotion, a few live performances ... exactly where Frost are now, and most bands of their ilk, more of a hobby than a career.

There's an irony in that the cost of making a quality recording has dropped dramatically ... EIMA is essentially a home recorded album, with a little use of JM's studio for the drums, and a squeaky stool in London ... the cost of recording a quality album like EIMA 20 years ago would have been huge, conversely, the cost of promoting and getting your music to the masses has probably never been harder and more expensive.

Unless you're like Jem who has one foot firmly in the commercial music world, how can it be more than a hobby now ? So on that basis, Andy's decision is the right one .. he's securing a firm financial future for himself whilst satisfying his artistic needs, but to do so means sacrificng his life work.

My 2p worth, but what do I know...   :)
... it was like watching a peach jelly f##k a steel drum ..  


Its a shame you are leaving live work Andy, you are such a great drummer I hope you continue to stay around the forum too.


If I read it right, he's still going to drum live, just not with Frost*....for the forseeable....
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Quote from: "ChrisX"What I also liked about your statement is the fact that you are focussing yourself on teaching. I really applaud you for that because teaching music is possible one of the most important things we could do for kids. Not only because music is fun but I believe it also teaches certain values to kids that sadly they don't always get from their parents or through regular education.

I've the same opinion.
Andy, I hope that your decision could make better musicians to people who wants to be better persons. I dont'k know if I can explain very well what I want to transmit (I'm very rought with English) but I think we can't live in a world without music and teachers (like you are) who want to share their knowlegde with everyone.

Good Luck in your new endevour!!


I think it's great to know a musician of your talent will be out there teaching
future generations. It's people like you in communities across the world
we need to be there to educate future musicians not only about music itself
but other aspects such as the business side.  You've been out there and played
with a lot of different amazing people playing a lot of different kinds of music.

You'll be there helping to seed the future not for just prog, but for all kinds
of music out there to come.

Congratulations Andy! and I wish all the best for you. I look forward to hearing
any future creative input you have in Frost and other projects.


change is good. We'll appreciate TBE all the more when we DO see him.
besides, nobody likes Permafrost. well, the song is ok but the state is bad!


Quote from: "wickedwitch"besides, nobody likes Permafrost. well, the song is ok but the state is bad!

The song is a masterpiece almost as good as a song from under the floorboards. :D


it has its place !!  i like 'because you're frightened'. no accounting for taste is there?!!! x


Quote from: "wickedwitch"it has its place !!  i like 'because you're frightened'. no accounting for taste is there?!!! x
To be honest I like just about everything they produced, they really should have been one of the biggest bands of their time, still they were great.


lyrics are usually great, music is great, his voice just grates on me sometimes.


An acquired taste for sure.


Quote from: "johninblack"To be honest I like just about everything they produced, they really should have been one of the biggest bands of their time, still they were great.

I take it you know they're reforming for a two-date tour next year? If I miss it it'll be one of my greatest ever regrets. I'll have to get to at least one of the gigs.


...and yeah, Howie's voice is, er... lacking melody(?) at times. :mrgreen:


i heard they were sold out a while ago.