A lift back to london after the Post-Gig Curry...

Started by RobRideout, December 14, 2011, 02:17:39 AM

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Hello chums!

Sorry to be a bit forward, but since me and the missus are staying at a hotel in london, we need a way to get back there after the curry if it goes on past quarter to eleven (last train), otherwise we'll have to pass on the curry :(

Sorry if it's rude to ask like this, but we'd really appreciate a lift just to anywhere where we can feasibly get back to near Hyde Park, or close enough so that we can affordably get a taxi there...

So if you're driving to near London from the curry house and have 2 spare seats available, please let me know, thanks :)

I promise we won't pollute your car with curry fumes...


The curry isn't starting until 12 midnight so it'll definitely go on beyond 11.30, unless Jem lends us the Pocket Sun.  :D

There is a night bus which would take you back to Central London from Kingston all through the night (I forget the number right now but it's every 30 minutes I think.)

Hopefully that'll be nearly as good as a lifft? Maybe even better!
be rich big cat small talk get fat sign this see through choose me fkkk you



the N87 will get you from Cromwell road bus stop to Trafalgar square.

If you want to go to Hyde Park Corner there's a few changes involved take a look at the route planner on http://journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk