The Mess that has become of Yes

Started by EVP, February 09, 2012, 04:18:58 AM

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Quote from: "Trapezium Artist"Although I consider myself quite a fan of Yes as they were in the 1970s (up to Drama, for me) and much less so of more or less anything they've done since, I see absolutely no point in the kind of vicious nonsense that can be seen on those boards and fora. Frankly, people need to get a bleeding life. Shudder.

I mean, in the end, who do these people think they are? They don't own Yes; they're not company shareholders, for crying out loud. They're consumers of a product (in the most reductionist approach), and if they don't like the new product, they don't have to buy it. It doesn't affect the quality of the old product and if the producers (i.e. the band in its various incarnations) want to try and sell a product that's (in some people's eyes and ears) below par, well, that's entirely the prerogative of the producers.

I know that's a simplistic view of things and I know that bands, like football teams, can inspire a kind of tribal loyalty that borders on a manic sense of ownership, but really ...

Am I sad about what's become of Yes? Sort of, although I realise that no-one's getting any younger and things do come to a natural end at some point. Does that entitle me to spew bile on the internet about it? Nope. Does it affect the memories of the enormous pleasure that Yes and their music have given me over the years (and will continue to do so until I'm in my dotage)? Absolutely not.

As for us Frost*ies in 20 years, I certainly hope we'll behave better. Indeed, we know from recent experience that as a group, we do behave a damn sight better on this forum. With one or two exceptions perhaps, but in by far the great majority, we're bloody magnificent  :mrgreen:
Wonderfully wise words Sir, take a round of applause :)


Quote from: "johninblack"
Quote from: "Trapezium Artist"Although I consider myself quite a fan of Yes as they were in the 1970s (up to Drama, for me) and much less so of more or less anything they've done since, I see absolutely no point in the kind of vicious nonsense that can be seen on those boards and fora. Frankly, people need to get a bleeding life. Shudder.

I mean, in the end, who do these people think they are? They don't own Yes; they're not company shareholders, for crying out loud. They're consumers of a product (in the most reductionist approach), and if they don't like the new product, they don't have to buy it. It doesn't affect the quality of the old product and if the producers (i.e. the band in its various incarnations) want to try and sell a product that's (in some people's eyes and ears) below par, well, that's entirely the prerogative of the producers.

I know that's a simplistic view of things and I know that bands, like football teams, can inspire a kind of tribal loyalty that borders on a manic sense of ownership, but really ...

Am I sad about what's become of Yes? Sort of, although I realise that no-one's getting any younger and things do come to a natural end at some point. Does that entitle me to spew bile on the internet about it? Nope. Does it affect the memories of the enormous pleasure that Yes and their music have given me over the years (and will continue to do so until I'm in my dotage)? Absolutely not.

As for us Frost*ies in 20 years, I certainly hope we'll behave better. Indeed, we know from recent experience that as a group, we do behave a damn sight better on this forum. With one or two exceptions perhaps, but in by far the great majority, we're bloody magnificent  :mrgreen:
Wonderfully wise words Sir, take a round of applause :)
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