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Mikey was right.

Started by Rick, November 30, 2008, 01:21:48 AM

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Never mind that,
Do you know there is no Wikipedia entry for "Inane"?

Have a look at the "secret place" where old timers,  and i consider myself one,  discuss this forum.

Fuck that.., not what i thought Frost was about....

Rick out...


hardly secret, its not locked and anyone can see it and most people have!


The other "secret" forum is no secret, it has existed for zonks and pre-dated this one.
There is no special handshake to get onto that forum, there is no secret batcave entrance nor is it being bugged by the secret services (well, maybe it is?).

I can only suggest it has remained alive either because forum members did not want to it to die as they had invested many hours of their life on it OR it's being used as a disaster recovery site in case this forum becomes unavailable through system downtime.

I can't really comment on what drove you to make a decision to leave this forum but to my knowledge there is no malice afoot on that other forum.


I am confused.  But that might be a hangover and trying to summon the motivation to go and pick my car up in the pouring rain.   :(   It always seems like a good idea to change your mind and start drinking, leave your car and get a cab at the time.


People are leaving this forum to go back to the old one? Why? Didn't we all look forward to not having to deal with Informe's (diplomacy mode : ON) less-than-perfect performance?


i think mikey and rick left because of something we said.  :?


I love Frost*ies old and new.  We all love the same music and therefore we all have something in common.  I hope I haven't offended anybody by saying it was a bit much here at first but it certainly wasn't aimed at anybody in particular.  

I still haven't got motivated to pick my car up.   :(


* May contain nuts.


What you have a car to pick up too?  :)


The Frost* forums, old and new, are among the friendliest places on the interweb and I have yet to see a post that would be sufficient to drive anyone away, much less any particular individual.  So, I'm a bit baffled by these sudden departures.  I would hope that if anyone had an issue, he or she would try to address them first rather than head for the door.

We all love Frost*.  That's why we're here - and there.  But I think we're mostly here to have fun.  I'm just here for the biscuits.
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


I don't get it.... but maybe I don't post enough here but I do follow most discussions on this forum and what has been described as a different atmosphere and then even sorta contribute it to US elections etc. I really don't see over here on this new forum.

I also regret that people are just walking away without even trying to change things for the good if they have indeed went sour.

This is indeed one of the friendliest and open forums I have encountered on the internet so it bothers me that any one of those who reverted back to the old place had the guts to come forward and say something. We should have dealt with it together. Running away is the easy option IMHO  :(
"Remember what\'s been given, not taken away" - Brett Kull (Echolyn)


The new forum, beautiful though it is, is visually quite gloomy. I was struck earlier today when I visited the new forum, by the lightness there... and the darkness here...


now thats an interesting take on it Catherine.  i hadnt thought about that before but it is totally true! This place is uber cool. we should all be eating fancy japanese titbits, not chocolate hobnobs here!!

i think both forums are cool. THis one, as the lovely Epo says, was a bit CRS heavy at times. I miss my post count on the old forum. I was there from pretty much the beginning and have had lots of fun there.  I'm glad i can read some of the old posts again becuase they made me laugh a lot.

This place will come right again, we just need to get over the newness and the random prog tech hobbitness that occasionally infests it.   Its too late for the marillion forum but hopefully we can have some fun here!

onward to the biscuit barrel.....


But never mind that.  Did you know eggnog is a sweetened dairy-based beverage made with milk, cream, sugar, beaten eggs (which gives it a frothy texture) and flavoured with ground cinnamon and nutmeg; alcoholic versions also exist with the addition of various liquors, such as brandy, rum, whiskey and sake?

Eggnog is a popular drink throughout the Americas, and is usually associated with winter celebrations such as Christmas and New Year. Eggnog has long been believed to be an excellent source of magnesium. Eggnog is also very popular in Central Europe[citation needed], but only its cognac version, that can be bought almost everywhere, mostly in Christmas-markets, during November and December. Commercially, non-alcoholic eggnog is available around Christmas time and during the winter.
Come on, you\'re a lion!


well said epo & witchy! I totally agree with both of you.

And DS... that sounds tasty...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)