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Mikey was right.

Started by Rick, November 30, 2008, 01:21:48 AM

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Methinks DS was watching BBC2 this morning?  :D
I am out of the office. Messages can be left with Mr. C Lyons on 020 7722 3333

Big Black Shed

Quote from: "D S"But never mind that.  Did you know eggnog is a sweetened dairy-based beverage made with milk, cream, sugar, beaten eggs (which gives it a frothy texture) and flavoured with ground cinnamon and nutmeg; alcoholic versions also exist with the addition of various liquors, such as brandy, rum, whiskey and sake?

Eggnog is a popular drink throughout the Americas, and is usually associated with winter celebrations such as Christmas and New Year. Eggnog has long been believed to be an excellent source of magnesium. Eggnog is also very popular in Central Europe[citation needed], but only its cognac version, that can be bought almost everywhere, mostly in Christmas-markets, during November and December. Commercially, non-alcoholic eggnog is available around Christmas time and during the winter.

Quote from: "AnsOnkruid"And DS... that sounds tasty...

I once got very, very drunk on Eggnog.

It was not a pretty sight :shock:  :?  :shock:   :?
It's not the winning or even taking part. It's the arsing about that counts.


The psychology of color may also be at work here.  Many restaurants incorporate red and yellow into their color schemes as they are said to increase appetite.  The old forum is white and orange, not unlike a creamsicle, and who doesn't like a creamsicle?  Aside from those who are lactose intolerant, of course.  White is peaceful; orange is warm.

The new forum is black and grey.  Welcome to the bottom of the mine shaft, dark and cold, devoid of light.  Black is said to encourage hostility, depression, even illness.  That being said, I happen to prefer the darker color scheme.  I don't mind a little illness as long as it's part of the word 'silliness.'
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


Not that the new look is "bad" or anything like that (it fits the main page perfectly) but I do prefer the light/white theme on the old forum. There's something really friendly about it :)


I had thought about the colour scheme being at least a contributory factor in the recent "mood" here, so changed it to the only other one available. Yeuch. Corporate blandness. Well, more accurately, default forum software theme blandness. It may be bright in comparison to this one, but it's dull in other ways, and is devoid of the excellent "Frosties" banner. I wonder how much trouble it would be for our wonderful forum admin(s) to emulate the old forums look, and incorporate said banner?


All of this over a forum (or a set of forums)?!


I think the fact that this forum is new has very little to do with anything. The CRS and election threads would've been over at the old forum as well if that was still "the official one". A new album release means publicity and lots of new people coming in. It would've happened at the old place as well.
It takes some time to settle. ME thinks.

I do agree on colour settings though. I'm somewhat sensible for that also. I loved the old clear and friendly outlook. But those are just details. Man, I tell ya, those are just details! I tell ya.

Anyway, the colours make sense because it blends well with the overall page.

But nevermind that!
I'm interested to find out if Sarah ever got around to pick up her car!  :?



i dont understand this, aint it the same people posting as on the old site .  :?:
?"By the beard of Zeus"


I've been thinking more about the colour issue. I will consult my "Pantone Guide to Communicating with Color" - part of my hand-wavy designer-y library  :roll:  - on the matter.

I recall that when we were redesigning our company website a couple of years ago we ruled out dark background/white text on the grounds that it was depressed teenager/heavy metal territory...  :shock:

One of my favourite sites is // - there are some absolute gems on there.


Yeah, well.........You might state that colour doesn't matter but about 2 weeks ago I delivered a bright yellow turd with blue and red spots on it. I can assure you it made me freak out big time!!!  :shock:


Quote from: "RWA"But nevermind that!
I'm interested to find out if Sarah ever got around to pick up her car!  :?



Yes!  It took a phone call from my Mum to say when are you picking up the kids to realise I had taken advantage too much so got a cab to pick it up.


Any "family" that moves house goes though this kind of thing, don't they?
This place will feel like home when it feels like home and not before - like so many other things, I don't think you can really force it. We just need time and tolerance IMHO :)
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Quote from: "catherine"I've been thinking more about the colour issue. I will consult my "Pantone Guide to Communicating with Color" - part of my hand-wavy designer-y library  :roll:  - on the matter.

ooh i'd like a look at that.  

can i just say at this juncture that Virgin railways, whom i have previously always lauded, are crap.  They just sent me to Birmingham International from New st with the promise of a train to London only for me to arrive there with 3 weary children, 2 bags and a pushchair to find i would have to get a coach to Northampton (with no toilet, never mind babychange or car seats) and another train to London. This then followed by our usual hour getting across  london to get home (as long as we werent delayed and missed the last train to the God forsaken reaches of east London.

so we came back to my mums. *sigh*

so frankly, can we finish this stupid conversation now? the forum is fine. we'll get used to it. If people want to go they can go and if they want to stay then Hey, mine's a LARGE G&T.


Dave M

Birmingham to London by rail is a bloody nightmare at weekends... WW you have my sympathy.
... it was like watching a peach jelly f##k a steel drum ..  


Quote from: "wickedwitch"so frankly, can we finish this stupid conversation now? the forum is fine. we'll get used to it. If people want to go they can go and if they want to stay then Hey, mine's a LARGE G&T.


I really didn't read that as "mine's a LARGE CAT", honest :D
So many keyboards, so little time!