My band FreeThought just put out an EP :D

Started by FreeThoughtTH, February 21, 2014, 03:26:22 PM

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So hey all,

I've been pretty quiet around here lately. Was a little more active a few months ago but things have been pretty busy as of late.

However, thought I'd pop back on here and share something with you. My band FreeThought (for which I play keys), just released our debut EP and I'd love you all to see it. We've been described by reviewers in the past as "a heavier Frost*", and the writing of dear Mr Godfrey is a huge influence on me.

You can stream and download the album here:

The first song (Architects) is particularly Frost-y. Hope you all enjoy it, and chuck us a like on Facebook if you do! :)


Hi Tim
only got chance to play a little of that earlier, but sounding pretty impressive.
Will be getting a full play tomorrow hopefully
I used to have a signature



Ho boy... I can hear a lot of cool stuff going on there, but as I listened I found it hard to think anything except "holy crap that vocal is loud!"

I mean I can tell you have a great band and lots of good ideas. The writing is top notch. Just that mix.

I dunno. Maybe it is just me.  If you can get the stems I'd be happy to do an alt mix for you, gratis.

Sorry to seem negative about your new baby. I'm sure you are quite proud of it, and justifiably so. I'm just keeping it real.


No that's cool man, thanks for the feedback.

We've actually had a few of people comment about how loud the vocals are. Something we never really noticed when listening through. Our producer is a good friend though so we might talk about having them reduced a little if possible.

Glad you're liking it though :)