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Started by D S, February 27, 2014, 11:16:00 PM

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Inspired by Jem, I too decided to have a go at the RPM Challenge this February.

There are 11 sections which are linked together to form a single piece of music which is 35 minutes and 12 seconds.

Congratulations to anyone who makes it through to the end in one go!  8)
Come on, you\'re a lion!


Top job there, mate!


Congratulations to David for completing the challenge.
You now have a second "proper" follower   ;)

Currently playing in The Frost*mobile:  Frost* Day and Age


Quote from: D S on February 27, 2014, 11:16:00 PM

Congratulations to anyone who makes it through to the end in one go!  8)

Will only have time to start it tonight, but I will make it in one hit. Deffo.

1st 30 seconds sounding good  ;)
I used to have a signature


Quote from: Mikey on February 28, 2014, 09:38:08 PM
Quote from: D S on February 27, 2014, 11:16:00 PM

Congratulations to anyone who makes it through to the end in one go!  8)

Will only have time to start it tonight, but I will make it in one hit. Deffo.

1st 30 seconds sounding good  ;)

Hints of Oldfield, so far

With a waft of..............i'll get it soon
I used to have a signature


Quote from: D S on February 27, 2014, 11:16:00 PM
Congratulations to anyone who makes it through to the end in one go!  8)
Done it...............................twice
I used to have a signature


Thanks all the comments and taking the time to listen to my nonsense! It's a just hobby which I do to amuse myself but if anyone else gets anything from it, that's a real bonus.  8)
Come on, you\'re a lion!


Frost*-Saline "these women are the best in rock" ref: you tube
aliensatemycrumpets...frost*, frost*, maximum*** frost*...


Forgive me, i'm a bit of a new boy round here, but what's RPM stand for? (Assuming it's not revolutions per second) Well i'm downloading it now whatever it is as my streaming is crap, so I look forward to finding out. :)


"Rapidly Produced Music", or something very much like that. It is a... I don't really know the word... A whole group of people on the inter webs all try to produce (write and record) an album during the month of Febuary. Clouda was supposed to be just such a project, but it ran a mite over time.


Yes, use the link below and all will be explained!  ;)
Come on, you\'re a lion!


D S. I have now completed the 35 mins twice. Really enjoyed it mate. Some great ideas and lovely guitar work. It's a perfect example of how to make an epic out of little pieces if you see what I mean. I found myself having lyric ideas at a few points, not that i'm suggesting it needs them, it just inspired me a bit which is always good. It's like a suite and it seems to tell a story some how. Great job sir.

Thanks for the link, i'm now conversant with it all. 28 day chalenge. It's a brilliant notion.  It sort of ties in with a bit of an issue I have. Quoted from the site:

"If you have a four-track, become a four-track badass! A mini disc, a pro-tools rig, a Walkman, an 80's tape recorder – use it. Do your best. Use the limitations of time and gear as an opportunity to explore things you might not try otherwise. If you can afford studio time in a "real" studio, fine, but let's be completely free of any lingering idea that "good" records can only be made in a studio. If that were so, then all the old scratchy blues records or Alan Lomax field recordings that have changed our culture – the world's culture – wouldn't still resonate with us today as they do. Springsteen's haunting classic "Nebraska" was a demo he did at home on a crappy machine. That album is fricking awesome. What label would put those recordings out now? (See: who cares) There are a million examples of this kind of stuff, but the fact will always be: Well written, honest music is compelling and undeniable no matter what it was recorded on. So put it to tape."
I'm just in the process of putting an album out myself. It was recorded on pretty aincient gear and i'm convinced that if I aproached a record company with it and they realised what I used to record it they'd insist I do it again. Aside from the work that would involve, there's things i've put down on that recording that I don't think I could reproduce again, like the emotions involved etc. I'm far more interested in capturing feelings and ideas than a perfect polished recording which conforms to industry standards. I also find it ironic that the industry is obsessed by getting the best possible digital sound quality, and yet we seem to be experiencing some of the crappiest music in the history of pop. That's a biased opineon of course, and my mate tells me i'm a musical snob. Lol

I can imagine that rpm month produces some amazing works, and I completely understand the concept of limiting one's self whether it be by time or equipment. When I was a kid I used to make what I called "albums" in a week or maybe even a couple of days. Usually improvised and played straight in to my getoblaster. I had the facility to over dub which I did sometimes but not always. The playing was probably terible, the songs were probably half formed, and the sound quality would have been crap. But the ideas were there and were flowing freely. I didn't have to set up tracks and check levels and edit sounds and play to clicks and spend ages going through all the takes and retakes working out which one to use and all the things that need to be done to get a good recording. I'm not saying people should deliberately make crap recordings, but i'm a firm believer that if you're creating, the creation should always come first and never be hampered by tecnical difficulties.

Anyhow, I seem to have gone off on one there, but I guess it's not really off topic as it was inspired by the rpm chalenge. I'm just sorry I didn't know sooner cos i've missed it now. Next year perhaps. And once again, really enjoyed it mate. Will definitely be listening again. If that's what you do in a month, what do you do in a year? Haha. Thanks :)


Quote from: tigermoth on March 11, 2014, 11:44:03 AM
Anyhow, I seem to have gone off on one there, but I guess it's not really off topic
The issue there is that you stayed on topic..............but as a newbie we'll let that one go*  ;)

(See other threads for suitable derailing ploys)
I used to have a signature


Thanks for the comments Tigermoth.  However, now I've heard your own music, I'll stop pretending and I'll go and hide quietly in a corner...  ;)
It's instrumental because you haven't heard me sing... nuff said!
I think the 1 month time limit did focus you and made you commit to things far quicker - you didn't have the luxury of time to endlessly re-do things.  'Near enough' had to do.
I can relate to your quote.  My recording equipment is pretty basic - no Pro-tools, Logic or other fancy DAWs; just an old Yamaha AW16G, lots of guitars (21!), guitar synth, bass pedals and a Roland Fantom X6.  Don't know if anyone noticed but I sneaked a genuine Milliontown patch (c/o Jem) in there...

But never mind all that.  Did you know that Thalictrum cooleyi is a rare species of flowering plant in the buttercup family known by the common name Cooley's meadowrue? It is native to the southeastern United States, where it is present in North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. It is threatened by habitat destruction and degradation. It is a federally listed endangered species of the United States.
Come on, you\'re a lion!


"I'll stop pretending and I'll go and hide"
Please don't hide, but thank you sir. :)
Didn't notice the Milion town patch, but will listen out for it next time.
I can imagine it must have been a pretty intense process, but well worth the work I say. I think i'll definitely have a crack next year, but i'll have to try and organise my life pretty well before then. Also turn my fone off for a month. Oo there's nowt worse I tell ya!
Haha, I can trump you on the oldness and basicness of the gear. :)
Oh dear, i'm out of milk again. Better get some first thing tomorrow. And that reminds me, mothers coming round. This wall paper could do with changing. Look, there isn't room for all these horses in here, take them out immediately, and mind the chesterfield. And the macklesfield.. Honestly!