Platinum Rows by Tyondai Braxton

Started by YamahaSynth, November 28, 2014, 10:32:27 PM

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...for Drum Corps, and some FROST*esque Jem influenced styles at the end.  Just in case anyone was curious as to what I have been doing away from here for so long.  Enjoy!

(Full ending)

(Frost*y bits accomplished with live sampling and pitch bend)



I used to have a signature

Trapezium Artist

Impressive stuff, even for a non-USian  ;)

(And if you'll excuse the slightly tongue-in-cheek European perspective [thanks, Wilf], I love these things that call themselves "World Championships" when the great majority [all?] of the competitors come from the US; the World Series springs to mind  8))

But that aside, I'd love to hear one of those performances live: I'm sure that YouTube doesn't begin to capture the full dynamism and emotion. BTW, YamahaSynth, did you "only" play in the live performance, or were you the composer and/or conductor as well? Not meant rudely; just curious.

For what it's worth, I'm a big fan of wind, brass, and percussion bands, albeit more along the lines of wind ensembles or concert bands. Similar in terms of instrumentation (essentially a symphony orchestra without the strings, although the double bass is allowed), but in a concert hall, rather than on a marching field.

For anyone who's interested, I can thoroughly recommend CD's by Frederic Fennell, conductor of the Eastman Wind Ensemble. One of the very best I know is his album "Trittico", albeit with the Dallas Wind Symphony on this occasion, on Reference Recordings: thrilling stuff.

And if you ever want to make a big impression with a decent sound system, this is the record  :o


Being blind, I wasn't quite sure what was going on, but the music did strange things to my brain. :) In a good way.