Tiger Moth Tales! A teaser.

Started by tigermoth, March 10, 2014, 09:16:19 PM

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"That is of course a compliment"  Lol, I assumed it was. :) Thank you sir that means a lot.
Hello again. Nowt to do with the album, but I just found this clip as I was looking for something on my external hardDrive. I didn't think I stil had it, and well, it was a bit of a special moment and perhaps appropriate for this forum. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14720207/After%20The%20House%20Consert.mp4  Francis did a house concert in my village at a friend's house, and after the show my friend insisted that Francis listened to me singing. Beeing totally on the spot and not having a clew what to do I just grabbed the guitar and sang one of my old songs. Then he took the guitar back, started to tune it in a way that blew my mind, and there followed a Genesis sing song that went on for about 10 minutes. Sadly, I had to break up the party as I had a late night gig to get to and my transport turned up at that moment. Francis obviously saw this as a good time to get going too, but it's one of the regrets of my life that I couldn't stay longer, especially as I believe that encores of any kind are a pretty rare event at Mr dunnery's house concerts. Anyway, this short vid (which at the time I didn't know was being made) stil survives, and I'm so glad I backed it up on my hard drive before my PC went gaga. Probably the only time you'll see FD and myself in the same video. Lol



very cool. Dunnery's one of those ones you hope you will never stop playing.
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


Love that to bits - great big cheesy grin!  ;D


The stupid thing is, I didn't realise quite how much of a Genesis freek he was, or I'd have played some too. Haha


Morning chaps! I've been in touch with Mr Reed at WhiteNight, and what with one thing and another we're now looking at September for a release date. I'm excited as it looks like it's really going to happen, but I feel a little foolish as now I have to try and keep the interest going for the next two months and perhaps I shouldn't have started so early. Ah well, we live and learn. But in the meantime I shal be kept busy, getting everything together, and also rehearsing the stuff with the TMT band with a view to playing it somewhere somehow. :) So I stil have a couple of bits to upload to soundcloud, and i'll be trying to increase the FB following and so on. I can only hope that you wonderful folks will stil be interested in a couple of months and won't be saying "Tiger Moth who?". :)
Thinking about it, Mr Kerzner's album isn't out till October and he's been talking about it for weeks. But then again I haven't got Steve Hackett and Nick D'vergilio on mine. Haha. So thanks again everyone and please do watch this space.


The Pineapple Thief has posted an instrumental teaser for their September release, so you're not that far ahead of the curve. At least you're not a Marvel film.
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


I'd like to be Iron Man. Don't think I could pull it off though


Quote from: owen on July 22, 2014, 08:55:20 AM
I'd like to be Iron Man. Don't think I could pull it off though
What about ironing man?
I used to have a signature


Better, but I don't think Marvel could pull that off


I once heard a version of the iron man read by Bernard Cribbins. Er ... oo, gotta go. Someones at the door. :)


Well hello my dearies! Hoping you're all well this sprightly mornibold. nothing to report as such but I'm hoping for some news in the next couple of days and of course i'll keep all those watching this thread informed. In the mean time I might put something up on soundcloud today. Also looking at getting some vids made. Was thinking of doing some acoustic piano stuff for youtube, and was toying with the idea of doing a couple of alternative cover versions, IB, Frost or Genesis. Got a couple of ideas. Do you chaps think that might be a good idea, or do you reckon I should concentrate on vids of my own stuff? Always glad of advice. Thanks folks.


Shirley a report of nothing to report is a.....report

How about a mixture of your stuff with some covers. Have enjoyed it all :)
Covers may get you some extra interest
I used to have a signature


Quote from: Mikey on August 01, 2014, 10:54:13 AM
How about a mixture of your stuff with some covers. Have enjoyed it all :)
Covers may get you some extra interest

Yeah, that.......... what Mikey said :)


So Tiger Moth... can I give you my money yet? ;)