A Bit Of Radio Fun

Started by tigermoth, September 10, 2014, 01:58:04 PM

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In the absence of anything to report on the TMT front, I thought I'd post a couple of old radio spoofs which my singing partner and I recorded during our stint at our local station. We did the Saturday breakfast show, and what with our shaky DJ-ing skills and our commercial spoofs which in hinesight were probably a little inappropriate for a commercial station, well we lasted three weeks. :) But we really enjoyed doing these, and as they don't get much of an airing I thought some of the Frosties might appreciate them. Well here goes:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14720207/07%20No%20Shame%20Claims%20-%20%282%20To%20go%29.mp3



Hope this gives someone a chuckle. :)


Quote from: tigermoth on September 10, 2014, 01:58:04 PM
Hope this gives someone a chuckle. :)
Absolutely  :)

Is this a jingle-off between TMT & Jem?
I used to have a signature


Lol I wouldn't be so reckless or I irresponseable. :)