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Started by owen, January 18, 2016, 09:17:45 AM

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"Live – See YES on Tour in 2016

2016 Apr/May/Jun – UK & Europe – YES play both Fragile & Drama albums, live – GET TICKETS!"

I managed to listen to it all about 2 yrs ago and it's not for me. Drama, I like. I don't know if they'll do everything though


Wait, what? I'd read somewhere else it was Tales. Sorry, need to check this

OK so I got it from the Facebook page where there is a hint of TFTO and Drama BUT... it's for the US tour. The Europe one is Fragile/Drama

Which I'll think about ???

Trapezium Artist

Quote from: owen on January 18, 2016, 09:25:39 AM
Wait, what? I'd read somewhere else it was Tales. Sorry, need to check this

OK so I got it from the Facebook page where there is a hint of TFTO and Drama BUT... it's for the US tour. The Europe one is Fragile/Drama

Which I'll think about ???

Well, as a trooper, pretty much album up to Going For The One has a big thumbs up from me, and perhaps somewhat surprisingly, I'm also a panther and absolutely fine with Drama: some excellent guitar and bass on that one, even if Mr Horn's vocals are a tad stretched.

Not much of a generator though in retrospect: that stuff hasn't aged well at all.

But, and it's a very big but, I'm afraid that after 40+ yrs of following Yes and having seen them live many times, I've enacted an unwritten veto against going to watch them since Jon left. Really (really) didn't like Benoit's vocals and Davidson is too shrill (which is saying something for Yes). And with Squire gone too? It's sad, and I'm sure that Howe and White still have something, but ...

That said, I took delivery of some new hifi speakers over the weekend, first in (cough) 27 years, and after an eclectic round of listening over the weekend, the 2003 remaster of Tales From Topographic Oceans got an outing this morning without sparing the volume horses one iota.

My god, it's (still) full of stars. Wondrous stuff  8)


Got my ticket for the Glasgow date on this tour the day it went on sale.  Fragile is a bit hit or miss for me - the highs are very high (Roundabout, South Side of the Sky, Heart of the Sunrise) but all the little solo pieces mean it just doesn't gel well for me as an album in comparison to, say, the Yes Album, CTTE or GFTO.  But Drama I love - it's where I came in.  (I got into a lot of bands in the 80s at the time of albums which the old fans regarded as heresy:- Rush - Signals, Genesis - Abacab, Jethro Tull - Under Wraps  8)).  I was quite excited at the prospect of hearing Drama performed live by 4 of the 5 original band members on that album - and then Chris died.   :(  As Drama is (IMHO) his best work on the bass (just listen to Tempus Fugit), this really did take the shine off me looking forward to this gig.  However, I've enjoyed Billy Sherwood's work for a long time and he is the obvious person to step into those (rather large) shoes.
I'll report back in April.  ;)
Come on, you\'re a lion!


Saw them last time (with Chris), when they did to TYA, CTTE and GFTO...

Not so sure about this time round, so probably skipping it, though Drama and Fragile both have their moments :)

And yes DS, child of the 80s too... so the last UK Rush tour was rigth up my street, all that lovely 80s and 90s stuff :D


Quote from: Mordwin on January 18, 2016, 06:40:34 PM
And yes DS, child of the 80s too... so the last UK Rush tour was rigth up my street, all that lovely 80s and 90s stuff :D
Not being a child of the '80's I saw Rush in.....................

I used to have a signature


I saw them in 81. Thhey seemed REALLY serious which put me off seeing them again. I've seen a DVD lately which shows them having a blast onstage: I think I've missed out :(

Trapezium Artist

Quote from: owen on January 19, 2016, 04:18:16 PM
I saw them in 81. Thhey seemed REALLY serious which put me off seeing them again. I've seen a DVD lately which shows them having a blast onstage: I think I've missed out :(

If it's any consolation, I've never seen Rush, and have not for a moment regretted it.

I'd like to say it was because I didn't have any truck with all that Ayn Rand nonsense back in the day (I mean, "Atlas Shrugged" is a bit of a ripping yarn, but as a piece of philosophical-political polemic, it's downright scary), but frankly, I didn't have a clue.

Nope, it was all about Geddy Lee's voice, which I found/find utterly unlistenable. Which, I admit, is ever so slightly odd for someone who's a big fan of Jon Anderson, but ...

FMMV (and obviously does in many cases ;))


Quote from: Trapezium Artist on January 19, 2016, 06:36:15 PM

Nope, it was all about Geddy Lee's voice, which I found/find utterly unlistenable. Which, I admit, is ever so slightly odd for someone who's a big fan of Jon Anderson, but ...

I knew it wasn't just me, never seen Rush for the same reason.  Never seen Yes either and don't plan to


his voice is deeper now, and the lyrics much more personal, and, therefore, much improved. Still, to each his own

Trapezium Artist

Quote from: MikeEvs on January 19, 2016, 09:39:05 PM
Quote from: Trapezium Artist on January 19, 2016, 06:36:15 PM

Nope, it was all about Geddy Lee's voice, which I found/find utterly unlistenable. Which, I admit, is ever so slightly odd for someone who's a big fan of Jon Anderson, but ...

I knew it wasn't just me, never seen Rush for the same reason.  Never seen Yes either and don't plan to

Well, as Owen said, it's all a matter of taste, but to have missed Yes live in the 1970's is to have missed something brilliant. I'm lucky enough (ok, old enough) to have done so on several occasions, and it's not something I'll lightly forget. Still listen to the blistering "Friday Rock Show" recording of Yes at Wembley in 1978 and tremble, it was so good. Indeed, for years I've been thinking that I should start a crowd-sourcing campaign to raise money and hire the Empire Pool (as it was then) for the night, fill it with Yes fans as it was then, and play that tape at full volume. Magic.

They were still worth watching in the 1980's onwards, even until the mid-2000's, albeit increasingly for nostalgic reasons, rather than the new music. But now, sorry, I just can't bring myself to; it'd be some kind of betrayal.

Much rather listen to Yes in their prime at home, and watch new bands rip it up live. Speaking of which, I really ought to get my finger out and buy some tickets for, err, what were they called again? in the summer.

Before then though, I have tickets for Lush at the Roundhouse and am looking forward to it enormously. Stick that in your prog pipe and smoke it  ;)


His voice has got deeper, but it's still squeakier than the girl from Lush!


As a fan of 80s Yes, I'm interested as to what ARW will sound like. Jon Anderson, Trevor Rabin and Rick Wakeman have talked about writing and recording together for a few years now but it finally seems to be happening, with talk of some live dates later in the year. I do hope they add people on drums and bass (as opposed to drum'n'bass - although that would be different!  ;D) and make it a proper rock band. Just Rick on piano and Trevor on acoustic guitar with Jon warbling on top would be an opportunity missed IMO...
Come on, you\'re a lion!


Could be worse. Could be Jon on piano and Rick warbling :o IS it actually happening? They've been supposedly doing this for years


Come on, you\'re a lion!