Mesa Boogie Mark V; for the guitarists!

Started by Dr.Ripper, January 18, 2009, 05:38:04 PM

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Gig Buddy

Quote from: "Big Black Shed"The only downside to a Mesa is that they're HEAVY.

And the musicians who buy them think they come with a personal roadie. ;)  ;)

Well.... ;)
Dr. Feelgood factor 10% milk...


I use a Fender Blues Deluxe - does that make put me in the "vintage" mellotron-and-moog camp?

Any louder than 2 causes people to complain, but that could be my playing.




It may be heavy, but come hell or high water...I am getting one!  I used to have a Mark IV, and I made the HUGE mistake of selling it.  That amp was an absolute dream for recording, gigging, etc.....versatile as hell!  I called Guitar Center yesterday and though they haven't received any units yet, but they are on the case and trying to track one down.
Yes....$2K is a steep price......but most boutique amps cost all of that.....but I will sell my Marshall DSL and the difference isn't that bad.


Quote from: "Mickdoo22"boutique amps

there's just something wrong with this phrase.  it just doesn't say "rock and roll" to me.

Mr. Berger

Oh lord, "...Do not expose this unit to rain, moisture or thieves."

"Comon, your\'e a LION!"


I dont think I've ever had my Mesa up past 5 :shock:

It's the loudest 40 watts I've ever heard


Quote from: "rogerg"
Quote from: "Mickdoo22"boutique amps

there's just something wrong with this phrase.  it just doesn't say "rock and roll" to me.

Au Contrare, Boutique amps are the rockin'-est of 'em all!

I would want a Framus Cobra or a Mesa MKV. As it is, I have a Laney LH50-II which still kicks the living daylights out of any solid state amp (I'm talking about you, Line 6 Spider III) and even most tube amps.