Frost and Dream Theater

Started by Jem, February 27, 2009, 12:45:28 PM

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Cynthia's Mallet

Quote from: "Trapezium Artist"
Quote from: "TonyB"Sounds good to me ... both the Free Frostie* Bopping Zone down the front (I recall the Summer's End gig where we managed to get the floor a-bouncing collectively  :D ), plus the pub too. That said, if I do make it, I'll be facing a 2.5 hour drive home afterwards, so it'll be a St Clement's for me ...  :(


Ironically it'll probably be a two hour wait for a ferry for us, even though we're literally just over the water if you miss the 11pm the next one is 1am and it takes an hour to get back over to the Island - so you'll probably be in bed before us!

Thanks for reminding me of the bouncing floor at Summer's End - I remember me and Cosmic exchanging glances when we realised it wasn't the bass making the floor bounce!
"Anyone for croquet?..."


A quick word of warning about Southampton Guildhall - when they convert the stalls into standing only, the balcony starts a good 3/4 of the way back - so even if you're in the front row, that stage is going to be quite a long way away.

Mind you, sounds like most of you have gone for standing ones anyway! I'll see you there... :D
...but there\'s nothing more to say...


Holy moly!

I've been out of the loop for a while, I come back to find this?! Effing excellent! :D


Is anyone else going to the Leeds gig? I don't want to be the only Frost*ie down the front bopping away...  :(


Quote from: "Mouse"Is anyone else going to the Leeds gig? I don't want to be the only Frost*ie down the front bopping away...  :(

I think there'll be several of us there, Mouse. Don't worry.  :D
I am a Norfolk Man and glory in being so!
Ladies and gentlemen
You can relax now
Your world is now officially a better place!

More Pram In The Wedge !
Stereo Trellis


Quote from: "Mouse"Is anyone else going to the Leeds gig? I don't want to be the only Frost*ie down the front bopping away...  :(

I will be bopping to Frost* and then bopping to Dream Theater! See you there!


There'll probably be at least a tour minibus from Nawfolk ... :D


Quote from: "Tanjobidesu"A quick word of warning about Southampton Guildhall - when they convert the stalls into standing only, the balcony starts a good 3/4 of the way back - so even if you're in the front row, that stage is going to be quite a long way away.

Mind you, sounds like most of you have gone for standing ones anyway! I'll see you there... :D

Ermmm the balcony moves???  :?  :)
I am out of the office. Messages can be left with Mr. C Lyons on 020 7722 3333


Quote from: "Brom"Ermmm the balcony moves???  :?  :)

Tee hee! No, it's always in the same place, but if there's seating in the stalls, then the back section of the stalls is tiered, and sort of marries up with the seats that form the balcony - I don't think that the 'balcony' ever actually overhangs anything - it just forms one long tiered section. So you can see why 'front row of the balcony' is not exactly a hot ticket in this particular venue.

That said, it's pretty good for atmosphere - I've been to some cracking gigs there, and I'm looking forward to this particular one immensely!  :D
...but there\'s nothing more to say...


:D  just booked five tickets for south hampton and booked in at the holliday inn came to a tidy few bob but money well spent i say, cant wait . :D
?"By the beard of Zeus"


Quote from: "Mouse"Is anyone else going to the Leeds gig? I don't want to be the only Frost*ie down the front bopping away...  :(

I will be at the Leeds gig - I'll be easy to spot because I'll be the one in the Frost* tshirt...erm, the Frost* hoodie...


"Actually ladies and gentlemen, we\'ve got a massive problem with one of the computers...bloody huge. It may even kill us!"


Crap, just checked the dates, it's either see DT and Frost* at Leeds/Soton, or go to Download and see just DT! :( :( :(

Not been to Download before, this was gonna by my 1st year there.


Quote from: "Drarok"Crap, just checked the dates, it's either see DT and Frost* at Leeds/Soton, or go to Download and see just DT! :( :( :(

Not been to Download before, this was gonna by my 1st year there.

Download is Friday/Saturday/Sunday, Leeds is on a Thursday! Set up camp at Download, get to Leeds then back to Download on Friday morning! I would have done that if I was going to Download. In fact I would probably have missed the Friday night for Southampton.


Err... What?

Friday 12 June, 12:00pm (midday)
Saturday 13 June, 10:00am
Sunday 14 June, 10:00am

Dream Theater:
DREAM THEATER      O2 Academy Leeds   Leeds   FRI   12/06/2009   19:30
DREAM THEATER      Southampton Guildhall   Southampton   SAT   13/06/2009   19:30