Touchstone - Wintercoast - (Update: Pre- orders now closed)

Started by gr8gonzo, May 05, 2009, 04:19:25 PM

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Quote from: "ralphr"Thanks to all of you that pre-ordered, much appreciated by all at Camp Touchie
Camp Touchie?
Sounds like a nice boy....  :shock:

I'm secretly very excited about this. Haven't looked forward to an album this much since... well, EIMA, natch :)  
After the teaser of Zinomorph, if ears could salivate there'd be damp patches on my shoulders.
* May contain nuts.


As one of the lucky Rosfesters, I can say that it's a fabulous album.. the entire group has really upped their game is just about every way possible.
You wont be disappointed!   :D

Big Black Shed

A bit late, but I've just ordered.

*Waits impatiently*......... Dum-de-dum........ ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)
It's not the winning or even taking part. It's the arsing about that counts.


Camp Touchie??  Thanks for opening up that wound.  :cry:
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


Quote from: "gr8gonzo"Camp Touchie??  Thanks for opening up that wound.  :cry:


I got word that mine shipped today!  yay!  thanks, Ralph!


And it's here! Playing now....  :D

Nice signed thingy-doodah as well.
be rich big cat small talk get fat sign this see through choose me fkkk you



Two things (three sir); My copy arrived today, it's fabbaroonie and Rob posted on the Touchstone forum that pre-orders are now closed. Not long to the pukka release though....
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"

Rob Cott

I have to confess to unashamed pluggery...!!  :shock:

But if you want to know more about us - join Touchstone's Official Forum! It's fun, free and ever so slightly cuddly!

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If anyone hasn't joined yet - please feel free to join our forum, then! :D

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You know it makes sense...

Big love,

Touchstone, and our beloved forum guru, HippyDave!


Great album.. loving the music... but the sound quality, well.

I don't want to sound like a grumpy old hobbit botherer, because I am all for a nice modern sound when it's done well. But something in the mixing / mastering of this album has gone a bit overboard, there's distortion all over the place and there are a couple of places (notably in the title track towards the end) where sudden really loud bits make the sound shrink away completely like the microphone on a little portable tape deck...  ;)

It's a shame because I think this detracts just a little from the otherwise awesome album!
be rich big cat small talk get fat sign this see through choose me fkkk you



I have not noticed that, I wonder if you got a bum cd?


Quote from: "rogerg"I have not noticed that, I wonder if you got a bum cd?
I've not noticed it either and I've played it a fair bit. I guess it it could be a bum CD.


To be fair, I've been listening on earphones which do tend to show these things up a bit more than usual.

Maybe I'll try re-ripping the CD to my iTunes in case I got a bad rip.
be rich big cat small talk get fat sign this see through choose me fkkk you



Can't say I noticed anything I thought was "wrong".
There are some mahoosive big bass drum thumps (sub-woofer stretchers) in there (e.g. Wintercoast 9:04 & 9:19) that the car stereo just cannot handle if the volume is anywhere near "loud".
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Yup, Pedro, those were the whoomps I was referring to!

Also, the section from 7.03 onwards is where I hear it being distorted for much of the rest of the song. It's probably just clipped peaks in the mastering I guess. I'd look at a picture of the waveform if I was 0.3% sadder than I already am. ;p
be rich big cat small talk get fat sign this see through choose me fkkk you



Quote from: "Pedro"mahoosive

going to use this word often.