Steven Wilson Competition...please vote for me ;oD

Started by FantomG, May 16, 2009, 01:22:53 AM

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Hi All,

I am very excited to see that my remix of Steven Wilson's song 'Abandoner' has been short listed in his competition....from some 200 entries.... :shock:

I'd really appreciate it if you could vote for my track no 6 (Orchestral) before 29th May.

Here's the link...


Many thanks

Stu ;oD


Nice one, FantomG - congrats on getting into the top 8, that's really good!

I've voted from one of my email accounts so far... I'll pop another couple of votes in over the next couple of days from other accounts.



"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Thanks to all ;oD

I'm chuffed that for my first real attempt has got that think it may get to be part of the official release is awesome ...very encouraging :D

Its a mix of his stems, plus Fantom G6 (of course) and Omnisphere.

Thanks again for your support. 8-)

Anyone else that can vote, before the 29th, would be great...




* May contain nuts.


Thanks RWA and RacingHippo....fantastic support  :D

The more the merrier....go via the link in first post or

Simply send an email to:
And put in the Subject line: SWI Remix Vote - 06

That's it ....   Week to go ...please continue to spread the word....

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


You're welcome!
Oh, and I used all my 4 accounts so that 4 votes.  :mrgreen:


Fantastic RWA  :D  

                            * * * 2 DAYS TO GO !! * * *

If you're reading this an haven't sent an email, please could you?
..that would be really great!!!

The winner now gets to be on the physical CD too!!  that would be soooo cool 8-)

Simply send an email to:
And put in the Subject line: SWI Remix Vote - 06

Cheers for your support.... :D  :D


Only a few hours to go to get the votes in  :D



A big thank you to all who voted for me.

Results released today and sadly didn't win...but really encouraged to have got to the top 8 and to have learnt so much in the process.

